Hey all,
Last post of the 07 most likely, just a quick holiday piece. Cheesy I know but it's that time of the year.
Looks like the cat has been slightly let out of the bag as my buddy Skottie over at http://skottieyoung.blogspot.com/ let it slip that we've been working on a graphic novel together that will (fingers crossed) see print in the next 6-12 months. Anybody who knows me knows I've been a huge fan of his work for years (check out his recent run on "new x-men" = brilliance) and it blew my mind when he got in touch with me about the project. The books been simmering on the back burner for the last few months but thing are going to amp up after the first of the year. The story he's put together is all kinds of awesome and is going to be an absolute blast to illustrate.
And go check out Projekt Werwolf over at http://www.komikwerks.com/. It's a cool little pulp/horror story by some old school chums of mine Jon Colton and Kevin Schriver.
anyhoo..... make with merry merry everyone.
See ya in 08.