So a few buds and I have been batting around the idea of a collaborative project for a bit and this spiffy little book is what came of those weekend brunch musings at the the good ol' Golden Coffee diner.
Al Truong,
Nicholas Stohlman,
Grant Alexander,
& myself all banded together voltron-style under the slightly pretentious moniker "Croqis de Concept" which translates to "Concept of Sketch"....we think:) So after settling on a loose theme ("the Spider and the Fly") each of us were tasked with putting together some concept sketches of whatever we desired as long as they tied into that basic theme. The results we pretty exciting as we all are wildly varied in our interests and influences.
40 pgs Full Color and we'll be hawkin em at the kick-ass Wonder Con this month at the Moscone Center South on the weekend of Feb 27-March 1st so swing by and say hey!!
FYI al will be giving out complimentary back-rubs (hawt!) for anyone that picks up the book.