Friday, January 26, 2007

And a little more junk from "Coraline".

This here be our heroine's dad and his creepy button-eyed double.

I'm dying to see what Henry Selik and crew do with the "Coraline" stop-motion feature that's coming out this year.

Friday, January 12, 2007's 2007 already?

a couple of super old oil paintings.

I really miss traditional painting. I would get mind-numbingly frustrated with the canvas but nothing beats holding an actual brush and getting paint everywhere and making mess of things. I spent many a morning in the garage of "Master" James Wu, pulling my hair out trying to paint the perfect cheek or fingernail only to have him walk over and lay down one or two strokes and fix everything.... then after clearly being amused by my frustration he'd cook me lunch. James is a true master ( and is also one of the most humble and patient teachers around.

Fortunately, I've got a commission coming up in the next few that'll give me an excuse to dust off those old brushes.